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adj 1  :  having the shape of a globe  2 a  :  of, relating to, or involving the entire world < health conditions>   b  :  of, relating to, or involving the globe of the eye < anesthesia in cataract surgery>   3 a  :  being comprehensive, all-inclusive, or complete < obstetric care>  <transient amnesia>  <akinesia was , although rigidity and dystonia were strikingly unilateral in distribution -Oliver Sacks>   b  :  of, relating to, or constituting an organic whole  :  ORGANISMIC <the newer psychiatry seeks to understand in a way the dynamic structure of the patient's personality -Psychological Abstractsglob*al*ly adv 
Similar sounding terms:  gla·bel·la  glob·ule 

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Chestatee Regional Hospital (Dahlonega, Georgia - Lumpkin County)