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npl  seed  or  seeds  1 a  :  the fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo and capable normally of germination to produce a new plant : broadly  :  a propagative plant structure (as a spore or small dry fruit)  b  :  a propagative animal structure: (1) MILT, SEMEN (2) :  a small egg (as of an insect) (3) :  a developmental form of a lower animal - see SEED TICK   2  :  a small usu. glass and gold or platinum capsule used as a container for a radioactive substance (as radium or radon) to be applied usu. interstitially in the treatment of cancer <implantation of radon s for bladder cancer> 
vi :  to bear or shed seed vt  1  :  to furnish with something that causes or stimulates growth or development  2  :  INOCULATE  3  :  to supply with nuclei (as of crystallization or condensation)
adj 1  :  selected or used to produce a new crop or stock < virus>   2  :  left or saved for breeding <a population>  .

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Monroe County Hospital (Forsyth, Georgia - Monroe County)